Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Club 55

I just realized that I am getting old.

This year I turn 55. Now 50 wasn't so bad, but now that I have my AARP card, and can legally order off of the senior menu, 55 is hitting me like a ton of bricks.

Inside, I'm still in my twenties. How the hell did this happen?

I look in the mirror and I no longer recognize the person I've become.

Getting up in the morning it takes me an hour before the stiffness and pain subside so I can reasonably walk and get around.

Morning trips to the bathroom seem to be taking forever.

Twice a day I take a regimen of pills so extensive I have to take them in four separate gulps.

Is it too late for me?  It's a question I've been asking myself a lot lately.

Joining the masses in the pursuit of the fountain of youth, I vow that this is the year I will change the trajectory of my decline.

This SOB is not ready to surrender to old man time just yet.